FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - societal challenge 6, draft work programme 2016-2017


The European Commission published the draft work programme 2016-2017 of societal challenge 6 in Horizon 2020

This Societal Challenge 6 Work Programme addresses key challenges of the beginning of 21st century like radicalisation and migration that appear in cross-cutting way in several Topics throughout the Work Programme and complementarily with Societal Challenge 7 - Secure societies "Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens". Many of the Topics of this Work Programme aim also to reduce the gap between institutions and citizens - through better understanding, analysis and practical solutions - in order to build a more trustful European society. Many Topics also integrate the gender dimension as a key element of inclusive societies.

The work programme foresees 4 call for proposals:


  • CO-CREATION-01-2017: Education and skills: empowering Europe’s young innovators CO-CREATION-02-2016: User-driven innovation: value creation through design-enabled innovation
  • CO-CREATION-03-2016: Piloting demand-driven collaborative innovation models in Europe  CO-CREATION-04-2017: Applied co-creation to deliver public services
  • CO-CREATION-05-2016: Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle  CO-CREATION-06-2017: Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policymaking, policy-modelling and policy-implementation
  • CO-CREATION-07-2017: Towards a new growth strategy in Europe - Improved economic and social measurement, data and official statistics
  • CO-CREATION-08-2016/2017: Better integration of evidence on the impact of research and innovation in policy making
  • CO-CREATION-09-2016: A European map of knowledge production and co-creation in support of research and innovation for societal challenges


  • REV-INEQUAL-01-2016: An empirically informed European theory of justice and fairness 
  • REV-INEQUAL-02-2016: Contemporary radicalisation trends and their implications for Europe 
  • REV-INEQUAL-03-2016: Dynamics of inequalities across the life-course
  • REV-INEQUAL-04-2016: Intra-EU mobility and its impacts for social and economic systems
  • REV-INEQUAL-05-2016: Inequalities in the EU and their consequences for democracy, social cohesion and inclusion
  • REV-INEQUAL-06-2016: Tackling inequalities at their roots: new policies for fairness in education from early age
  • REV-INEQUAL-07-2016: Spatial justice, social cohesion and territorial inequalities
  • REV-INEQUAL-08-2016: Fighting inequalities through policies against tax fraud and tax evasion
  • REV-INEQUAL-09-2017: Boosting inclusiveness of ICT-enabled research and innovation 
  • REV-INEQUAL-10-2016: Multi-stakeholder platform for enhancing youth digital opportunities


  • ENG-GLOBALLY-01-2017: Strengthening Europe's position in the global context: science diplomacy and intercultural relations
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-02-2017: Shifting global geopolitics and Europe's preparedness for managing risks, mitigation actions and fostering peace
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-03-2017: The European Union and the global challenge of migration
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-04-2017: Science diplomacy for EU neighbourhood policies
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-05-2017: The strategic potential of EU external trade policy
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-06-2017: The Asia-Pacific as a strategic region for Europe
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-07-2017: The European Union and Central Asia
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-08-2016/2017: EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-09-2016: Centres/Networks of European research and innovation


  • CULT-COOP-01-2017: Democratic discourses and the rule of law
  • CULT-COOP-02-2017: Improving mutual understanding among Europeans by working through troubled pasts
  • CULT-COOP-03-2017: Cultural literacy of young generations in Europe
  • CULT-COOP-04-2017: Contemporary histories of Europe in artistic and creative practices 
  • CULT-COOP-05-2017: Religious diversity in Europe - past, present and future 
  • CULT-COOP-06-2017: Participatory approaches and social innovation in culture
  • CULT-COOP-07-2017: Cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime regions
  • CULT-COOP-08-2016: Virtual museums and social platform on European digital heritage, memory, identity and cultural interaction
  • CULT-COOP-09-2017: European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past
  • CULT-COOP-10-2017: Culture, integration and European public space
  • CULT-COOP-11-2016/2017: Understanding the transformation of European public administrations.

There are also other actions:

  • Fast track to innovation,
  • SME Instrument,
  • prizes (European Capital of Innovation prize, European Social Innovation Competition, Horizon Prize for Social Innovation in Europe),
  • public procurement,
  • experts.

Projects funded under the Societal Challenge 6 ‘Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies’ Work Programme 2016-17 will by default participate in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020.

The provisional budget of the work programme is 320 million of euros (155 million of euros for 2016 and 165 million of euros for 2017). The adoption and the publication of the work programme by the Commission are expected in mid-October 2015.

Draft work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: openDemocracy / Foter / CC BY-SA