FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - science and society, draft work programme 2016-2017


The European Commission published the draft Work Programme 2016-2017 for the ‘Science with and for Society’ programme

The ‘Science with and for Society’ programme will be instrumental in addressing the European societal challenges tackled by Horizon 2020. It will make science more attractive, increase society's appetite for innovation, and open up further research and innovation activities.

The challenge for Science with and for Society and Horizon 2020 is to foster and support the appropriate settings and collaboration to conduct R&I with and for society.

The work programme foresees a call for proposals:

1. Institutional Change to Support Responsible Research and Innovation in Research Performing and Funding Organisations

  • SwafS-01-2016: Participatory research and innovation via Science Shops
  • SwafS-02-2016: ERA-NET Cofund – Promoting Gender equality in H2020 and the ERA
  • SwafS-03-2016-2017: Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans
  • SwafS-04-2016: Opening Research Organisations in the European Research Area
  • SwafS-05-2017: New constellations of Changing Institutions and Actors
  • SwafS-06-2017: Engaging industry – Champions for RRI in Industrial Sectors
  • SwafS-07-2016: Training on Open Science in the European Research Area
  • SwafS-08-2017: European Community of Practice to support institutional change

2. Embedding Responsible Research and Innovation in Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation

  • SwafS-09-2016: Moving from constraints to openings, from red lines to new frames in Horizon 2020
  • SwafS-10-2017: Putting Open Science into action

3. Strengthening the Science with and for Society Knowledge-Base

  • SwafS-11-2017: Science education outside the classroom
  • SwafS-12-2017: Webs of Innovation Value Chains and Openings for RRI
  • SwafS-13-2017: Integrating Society in Science and Innovation – An approach to co-creation
  • SwafS-14-2017: A Linked-up Global World of RRI

4. Developing Inclusive, Anticipatory Governance for Research & Innovation

  • SwafS-15-2016: Open Schooling and collaboration on science education
  • SwafS-16-2016: Mapping the Ethics and Research Integrity Normative Framework
  • SwafS-17-2016: The Ethics of informed consent in novel treatment including a gender perspective
  • SwafS-18-2016: The Ethics of technologies with high socio-economic impact and Human Rights relevance
  • SwafS-19-2016: Networking of National representatives and resources centres on Gender in R&I
  • SwafS-20-2016: ERA Mobility and Career Day
  • SwafS-21-2017: Promoting integrity in the use of research results in evidence based policy: a focus on non-medical research
  • SwafS-22-2017: The ethical dimensions of IT technologies: a European perspective focusing on security and human rights aspects
  • SwafS-23-2017: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in support of sustainability and governance, taking account of the international context
  • SwafS-24-2017: Trans-national operation of the EURAXESS Service network
  • SwafS-25-2016: Celebrating European Science

There are also other actions, such as:

  • EU Prize for Women Innovators,
  • European Union Contest for Young Scientists,
  • monitoring of gender equality in Research and Innovation - Development, implementation and dissemination of indicators.

The provisional budget of the work programme is 114 million of euros (55 million of euros for 2016, 59 million of euros for 2017). The adoption and the publication of the work programmes by the EU Commission are expected in mid-October 2015.

Draft work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: glbrc.communications / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND