FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - ICT, draft work programme 2016-2017


The European Commission published the draft Work Programme 2016-2017 for the ICT sector

The work programme will continue to promote more innovation-orientation to ensure that the EU industry remains strong in the core technologies that are at the roots of future value chains. It aims to:

  • support core ICT industries through roadmap-based Public Private Partnerships (PPPs),
  • support digital entrepreneurship, strengthen support to start-ups and SMEs,
  • reinforce international dimension of ICT activities.

The work programme foresees 4 calls for proposals:

1. Information and Communication Technologies Call

1.1 A new generation of components and systems

  • ICT-01-2016: Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
  • ICT-02-2016: Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics
  • ICT-03-2016: SSI - Smart System Integration
  • ICT-04-2017: Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative

1.2 Advanced Computing and Cloud Computing

  • ICT-05-2017: Customised and low energy computing
  • ICT-06-2016: Cloud Computing

1.3 Future Internet

  • ICT-07-2017: 5G PPP Research and Validation of critical technologies and systems
  • ICT-08-2017: 5G PPP Convergent Technologies
  • ICT-09-2017: Networking research beyond 5G
  • ICT-10-2016: Software Technologies
  • ICT-11-2017: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation ICT-12-2016: Net Innovation Initiative
  • ICT-13-2016: Future Internet Experimentation - Building a European experimental Infrastructure

1.4 Content

  • ICT-14-2016-2017: Big Data PPP: cross-sectorial and cross-lingual data integration and experimentation
  • ICT-15-2016-2017: Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot actions in sectors best benefitting from data-driven innovation
  • ICT-16-2017: Big data PPP: research addressing main technology challenges of the data economy
  • ICT-17-2016-2017: Big data PPP: Support, industrial skills, benchmarking and evaluation ICT-18-2016: Big data PPP: privacy-preserving big data technologies
  • ICT-19-2017: Media and content convergence
  • ICT-20-2017: Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries
  • ICT-21-2016: Support technology transfer to the creative industries
  • ICT-22-2016: Technologies for Learning and Skills
  • ICT-23-2017: Interfaces for accessibility
  • ICT-24-2016: Gaming and gamification

1.5 Robotics and Autonomous Systems

  • ICT-25-2016-2017: Advanced robot capabilities research and take-up
  • ICT-26-2016: System abilities, development and pilot installations
  • ICT-27-2017: System abilities, SME & benchmarking actions, safety certification
  • ICT-28-2017: Robotics Competition, coordination and support

1.6 ICT Key Enabling Technologies

  • ICT-29-2016: Photonics KET 2016
  • ICT-30-2017: Photonics KET 2017
  • ICT-31-2017: Micro- and nanoelectronics technologies

1.7 Innovation and Entrepreneurship support

  • ICT-32-2017: Startup Europe for Growth and Innovation Radar
  • ICT-33-2017: Innovation procurement networks
  • ICT-34-2016: Pre-Commercial Procurement open

1.8 Responsibility and Creativity

  • ICT-35-2016: Enabling responsible ICT-related research and innovation
  • ICT-36-2016: Boost synergies between artists, creative people and technologists

1.9 International Cooperation Activities

  • ICT-37-2016: CHINA: Collaboration on Future Internet
  • ICT-38-2016: MEXICO: Collaboration on ICT
  • ICT-39-2016-2017: International partnership building in low and middle income countries

2. EU-Japan Joint Call

  • EUJ-01-2016: 5G – Next Generation Communication Networks
  • EUJ-02-2016: IoT/Cloud/Big Data platforms in social application contexts
  • EUJ-03-2016: Experimental testbeds on Information-Centric Networking

3. Call - EU-Brazil Joint Call

  • EUB-01-2017: Cloud Computing
  • EUB-02-2017: IoT Pilots

4. Call - EU-South Korea Joint Call

  • EUK-01-2016: 5G – Next Generation Communication Networks
  • EUK-02-2016: IoT joint research
  • EUK-03-2016: Federated Cloud resource brokerage for mobile cloud services

There are also other actions:

  • Fast Track to Innovation Pilot,
  • SME Instrument (SMEinst-01-2016-2017 - Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme),
  • Horizon prizes about ICT and big data,
  • Digital Assembly Events 2016 and 2017,
  • ICT conferences, studies and other activities (calls for tenders).

The provisional budget of the work programme is 1,5 billion of euros (763 million of euros for 2016, 807 million of euros for 2017). The adoption and the publication of the work programmes by the EU Commission are expected in mid-October 2015.

Draft work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: //www.flickr.com/photos/44124473190@N01/" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(179, 18, 18); text-decoration: none; line-height: inherit;">fd / Foter / CC BY-NC