FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - Environment, draft work programme 2016-2017


The European Commission published the draft work programme 2016-2017 of societal challenge 5 in Horizon 2020

The objective of the Societal Challenge 'Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials' is to achieve a resource – and water – efficient and climate change resilient economy and society. To achieve the greatest possible impact of the research and innovation activities in 2016- 2017, this Societal Challenge will – for the areas on climate change, environment and resource efficiency – prioritise actions which take a systemic approach to promote a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy.

Among those actions there is a call for proposals 'Greening the economy':

1. Climate services

  • SC5-01-2016-2017: Exploiting the added value of climate services
  • SC5-02-2017: Integrated European regional modelling and climate prediction system
  • SC5-03-2016: Climate services market research
  • SC5-04-2017: Towards a robust and comprehensive greenhouse gas verification system
  • SC5-05-2016: A 1.5 million year look into the past for improving climate predictions

2. Towards a low-carbon Europe

  • SC5-06-2016-2017: Pathways towards the decarbonisation and resilience of the European economy in the timeframe 2030-2050 and beyond
  • SC5-07-2017: Coordinating and supporting research and innovation actions on the decarbonisation of the EU economy
  • Nature-based solutions for territorial resilience
  • SC5-08-2017: Large-scale demonstrators on nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction
  • SC5-09-2016: Operationalising insurance value of ecosystems
  • SC5-10-2016: Multi-stakeholder dialogue platform to promote innovation with nature to address societal challenges

3. Water

  • SC5-11-2016: Supporting international cooperation activities on water
  • SC5-12-2016: Food systems and water resources for the development of inclusive, sustainable and healthy Euro-Mediterranean societies

4. Raw materials

  • SC5-13-2016-2017: New solutions for sustainable production of raw materials
  • SC5-14-2016-2017: Raw materials Innovation actions
  • SC5-15-2016-2017: Raw materials policy support actions
  • SC5-16-2016-2017: Raw materials international co-operation
  • SC5-17-2016: ERA-NET Cofund on Raw materials

5. Earth Observation

  • SC5-18-2017: Novel in-situ observation systems
  • SC5-19-2017: Coordination of citizens' observatories initiatives
  • SC5-20-2016: European data hub of the GEOSS information system

6. Cultural heritage for sustainable growth

  • SC5-21-2016-2017: Cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable growth
  • SC5-22-2017: Innovative financing, business and governance models for adaptive re-use of cultural heritage
  • Support to policy and preparing for innovation procurement
  • SC5-23-2016-2017: Support to confirmed Presidency events (conferences) – Malta, United Kingdom, Estonia
  • SC5-24-2016: Support to confirmed Presidency event (conference) in Slovakia
  • SC5-25-2016: Macro-economic and societal benefits from creating new markets in a circular economy
  • SC5-26-2017: Pre-commercial procurement on soil decontamination
  • SC5-27-2016: Preparing for pre-commercial procurement (PCP) and/or public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) in support of climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
  • SC5-28-2016: Transformations to sustainability
  • SC5-29-2016: Framework Partnership Agreement supporting Joint Actions towards a sustainable green economy in Europe and beyond

The work programme foresees also other actions, such as:

  • Fast Track to Innovation Pilot,
  • SME Instrument
  • Support actions for raw materials policy (public procurement)
  • External expertise
  • Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) for ERA-NET Cofund actions supporting Joint Actions towards sustainable green economy in Europe and beyond

The provisional budget of the work programme is 726 million of euros (359 million of euros for 2016, 367 million of euros for 2017). The adoption and the publication of the work programme by the Commission are expected in mid-October 2015.

Draft work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: Artur Tomaz</a