FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - Research Infrastructures, work programme 2016-2017

 Horizon 2020


The European Commission published the Research Infrastructures Work Programme 2016-2017 in Horizon 2020

The Research Infrastructures Work Programme 2016-2017 will put wide emphasis on fostering the long-term sustainability of research infrastructures (including through the optimisation of assessment and evaluation procedures), on expanding the role and impact of research infrastructures in the innovation chain and on maximising the exploitation of data produced and/or collected by research infrastructures.

The work programme foresees 5 calls for proposals:

1. Call - Development and long-term sustainability of new pan-European research infrastructures

  • INFRADEV-01-2017: Design Studies
  • INFRADEV-02-2016: Preparatory Phase of ESFRI projects
  • INFRADEV-03-2016-2017: Individual support to ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures
  • INFRADEV-04-2016: European Open Science Cloud for Research

2. Call - Integrating and opening research infrastructures of European interest

  • INFRAIA-01-2016-2017: Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities
  • INFRAIA-02-2017: Integrating Activities for Starting Communities

3. Call - E-Infrastructures

  • EINFRA-11-2016: Support to the next implementation phase of Pan-European High Performance Computing infrastructure and services (PRACE)
  • EINFRA-12-2017: Data and Distributed Computing e-infrastructures for Open Science
  • EINFRA-21-2017: Platform-driven e-infrastructure innovation
  • EINFRA-22-2016: User-driven e-infrastructure innovation

4. Call - Fostering the innovation potential of Research Infrastructures

  • INFRAINNOV-01-2017: Fostering co-innovation for future detection and imaging technologies
  • INFRAINNOV-02-2016: Support to Technological Infrastructures

5. Call - Support to policy and international cooperation

  • INFRASUPP-01-2016: Policy and international cooperation measures for research infrastructures
  • INFRASUPP-02-2017: Policy and international cooperation measures for research infrastructures
  • INFRASUPP-03-2016: Support to policies and international cooperation for e-infrastructures

There are also other actions, such as:

  • Launch event of 2016 ESFRI Roadmap,
  • External expertise,
  • GÉANT Partnership projects.

Projects funded under the Research Infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures) part of Work Programme 2016-2017 will by default participate in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020.

The budget of the work programme is 604 million of euros (294,4 million of euros for 2016, 310,3 million of euros for 2017).

Work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: Sanofi Pasteur / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND