FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

World Bank - MOS, consulting opportunities for projects in the pipeline

The World Bank published the new Monthly Operational Summary with an updated list of projects in the pipeline.

Consulting - Photo credit: pennstatenews / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)

The Monthly Operational Summary (MOS) reports on the status of projects while they are in the World Bank's lending pipeline. Projects appear in the MOS from the point they are identifed up to the signing of the loan or credit agreement. 

Future consulting opportunities are already expected in some of the listed projects. Here are some examples:

Tanzania - Second water sector support project 

The project is part of a bigger program aimed at:

  • improving integrated water resources management by strengthening water sector institutions,
  • increasing access to water supply and sanitation services.

The project development objectives are:

  • to support productive sectors through a strengthened integrated water resources management,
  • to improve water supply service delivery in urban areas of Tanzania. 

Funding is provided by the International Development Association (IDA) that is the part of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries. Established in 1960, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing loans (called “credits”) and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve people’s living conditions.

IDA credit: 225 million dollar

Angola - Smallholder agriculture development and commercialization project

The project development objective is to increase smallholder agricultural production and marketing in the project areas. Project funding is provided by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), that was created in 1944 originally to help Europe rebuild after World War II. Today, IBRD provides loans and other assistance primarily to middle income countries.

IBRD loan: 70 million dollar.

Ghana - Social opportunities project

The project development objectives is to improve targeting of social protection programs and provide income support to poor households through LEAP (Literacy and Education in Action Program) grants - that fund literacy and educational nonprofits and libraries for specific projects - and LIPW (Labour Intensive Public Works) infrastructure - to improve access to basic public services - in targeted districts.

IDA credit: 50 million dollar.

Nicaragua - Caribbean Regional Communications Program

The project aims at:

  • increasing access to regional broadband networks,
  • advancing the development of an Information Technology and IT enabled services industry in Nicaragua and in the Caribbean Region.

IDA credit: 18.5 million dollar.

West Bank and Gaza - Finance for jobs

The project development objectives are:

  • to mobilize private investment financing in high potential sectors,
  • to generate job opportunities for the West Bank and Gaza.

Funding is provided by State and Peace-Building Trust Fund (SPF). Created in 2008, the SPF is the World Bank’s largest, global multi-donor trust fund established to finance innovative approaches to state and peace-building in regions affected by fragility, conflict and violence (FCV).

SPF funding: 5 million dollar. 

Photo credit: pennstatenews / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)