FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Gambia - consultancy for institutional capacities promotion

Gambia - Photo credit: AdrianoSetimo via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SAThe project concerns the strengthening of key public and private institutions capacities.

Europe and Central Asia - consultancy for hydropower program

Vietnam - works for urban development project

The Government of The Republic of The Gambia has received a Grant and loan from the African Development Fund (ADF) to finance "Inclusive Growth Promotion Institutional Support Project".

The principal objective of this project is to promote inclusive growth by enhancing economic governance through strengthened capacities of key public and private institutions engaged in private sector development.

Ukraine - consulting services in transport sector

The project includes the following components:

  • Component 1: Export and Investment Promotion
  • Component 2 : Entrepreneurship Development
  • Component 3 : Project Management

The main activities of the project are as follows:

  • Development of a permanent Trade Fair Center and Business Incubation Center
  • Private sector promotion
  • Prevention of Money Laundering and Illicit Financial Flows
  • Improving access to finance by MSMEs o Women economic empowerment
  • Promoting access to public procurement by MSMEs.

Procurement of goods and/or works will be in accordance with the Bank's Rules and Procedures for the Procurement of Goods and Works. Acquisition of the services of Consultants will follow the Bank's Rules and Procedures for the Use of Consultants. Bidding documents are expected to be available in August 2017.

GPN - Inclusive Growth Promotion Institutional Support Project

Photo credit: AdrianoSetimo via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA