FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Sudan - consulting services for women's empowerment

Empowerment donneThe assignment concerns consultancy services as part of a development project in Sudan to strengthen women's participation in the economy.

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The Government of the Sudan has received a grant from the Transition Support Facility of the African Development Bank (AfDB) towards the cost of a project for capacity building for enhanced gender participation in peace and economic activities and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this grant to payments under the contract for the consultancy services to establish women production groups and enabling them access finance and markets services.

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The services included under this project are:

  • establishment, formation and legalization of women agricultural production groups;
  • entrepreneurial skills training for women business managers;
  • training of women farmers, extensions agents and trainers; to manage the production groups;
  • strengthen selected government staff capacities to downstream the training to target production groups to manage the groups and establish sustainable businesses from microfinance and other support;
  • enhance sustainability of women productions groups by building their capacities to self-govern, mobilize members and capital, manage their operations and finances, serve members with appropriate training and products, and plan strategically;
  • build the capacities of the women agricultural production groups to enable them access financing and markets.

Eligible consultants are invited to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services. Expressions of interest must be delivered by 22 February 2019.

Read the AfDB notice