FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU - public consultation on EU Aid Volunteers initiative

Humanitarian aidThe European Commission launched a public consultation for the evaluation of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.

EU - public consultation on humanitarian aid 2012-2016

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EU Aid Volunteers brings together volunteers and organisations from different countries, providing practical support to humanitarian aid projects and contributing to strengthening the local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities and offering opportunities for citizens from the EU to engage in humanitarian aid.

The initiative funds projects submitted by consortia of EU-based and non-EU based organisations that are aimed at strengthening the capacity of non-EU based organisations to prepare and respond to humanitarian crises and to improve their volunteer management.

It also provides funding for actions aimed at strengthening the technical capacity of EU-based organisations to comply with the standards and procedures that are required to participate in the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.

81 organisations are involved in the implementation of capacity building projects and 40 organisations in technical assistance projects to strengthen their management and operational systems, and to work in partnership to implement best practices in humanitarian aid delivery and volunteer management.

European standards on the management of volunteers by humanitarian organisations have been developed in the context of this initiative. A European training programme for volunteers will ensure volunteers are well-trained and prepared before deployment.

Public consultation

The objective of the open public consultation is to give EU citizens and all concerned stakeholders an opportunity to express their views on the performance of the EU Aid Volunteers during the first three years of implementation. The OPC also aims at gathering information and data that cannot be found through desk research and additional sources of evidence.

The evaluation will look at the implementation of the Initiative during the last three years (mid-2014 to mid-2017). The results of the evaluation will feed into the future programme design and resource allocation. The evaluation will also provide recommendations including on how to ensure sufficient outreach of the Initiative.

The final report will be published in the EU Bookshop and on the DG ECHO website related to evaluations  - European Commission.

The consultation is open until 31 October 2017.

>Questionnaire for respondents with limited or no in-depth knowledge of the Initiative

>Questionnaire for respondents with in-depth knowledge

Photo credit: DFID - UK Department for International Development via Foter.com / CC BY