FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU - consultation on the review of the SME definition

Public consultation SMEPublic consultation on the review of the SME definition is open until 6 May 2018.

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The European Commission launched a public consultation on the review of the SME definition.

Objective of the consultation

The SME definition as provided in Recommendation 2003/361/EC is the structural tool to identify enterprises that ar e confronted with market failures and particular challenges due to their size, and therefore are allowed to receive preferential treatment in public support.It is a widely used tool in EU policies such as competition (state aid), structural funds, research and innovation (Horizon 2020).

Moreover, the SME definition is relevant for some European administrative exemptions and reduced fees, such as for Regulation on registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH).The Commission is currently preparing for an evaluation and possible revision of some aspects of the SME definition. This public consultation is part of this process and will allow any interested actor to provide feedback on the evaluation and impact assessment of the SME definition.

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How to submit your response

In order to contribute to the consultation, participants have to fill the online questionnaire in the EU Survey tool before 6 May 2018. The questionnaire is available in 23 official EU languages and responses may be submitted in any of these.

In the interest of transparency, organisations are invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by registering in the transparency register and subscribing to its code of conduct. If the organisation is not registered, the submission is published separately from the registered organisations.

> Public consultation

Photo on Foter.com