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Digitising European Industry - stronger cooperation for Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 - Photo on Foter.comThree associations signed bilateral declarations in Paris at the Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2018 to align their activities, roadmaps and outcomes.

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At the Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2018 in Paris, the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) and the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) signed bilateral declarations to join forces towards common goals.

These declarations come two years after the launch of the Digitising European Industry (DEI) initiative and are a key step towards more collaboration between different European partnerships.

Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2018

The Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum 2018 targets all stakeholders interested in the digitalisation of industry. The event is co-organised by the European Commission and the French Ministry of Economy and Finance. This year the Stakeholder Forum takes place within the large trade fair Global Industrie 2018 which is expected to gather 50.000 participants.

The 2018 Stakeholder Forum was opened by a speech by Delphine Gény-Stephann, French Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and Finance, and a video message by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for digital economy and society.

The event is organised within the context of the DEI initiative, which was launched by the European Commission in April 2016 to reinforce the EU's competitiveness in digital technologies and to ensure that every industry in Europe – whichever the sector, wherever the location, whatever the size – can fully benefit from digital innovations.

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Partnerships for the digitalisation of European industry

Within this context, the BDVA and the EFFRA, on one side, and the AIOTI and BDVA on the other side, will sign bilateral declarations today to join forces towards common goals.

The signature between the three partnerships highlights the importance of joining forces between different stakeholders in order to ensure that European industry thrives and makes the most of digital opportunities.

In the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) on Big Data and Factories of the Future, BDVA and EFFRA represent European industry and research. AIOTI is the key European alliance which brings together public and private actors in the area of the Internet of Things (IoT). These partnerships are key players in the development of new technology building blocks, such as new data analysis methods, smart sensors, smart robotics, 3D printers, etc.

With the two bilateral declarations, the associations agree to better align forces and initiatives towards common goals. They will organise events together, share best practices from each of their projects, develop papers, provide trainings and will organise other joint activities that can accelerate the use, integration and value creation of advanced digital technologies like 5G, High-Performance Computing, Cloud, IoT, Big Data, Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence.

In addition, the declaration between BDVA and EFFRA will accelerate outcomes on the digitally-enabled Factories of the Future, by exchanging best practices, approaches and project results from both the Big Data PPP and the Factories of the Future PPP.

BDVA and AIOTI, will agree on addressing international standardisation committees in a collaborative way, and on combining resources to develop skills and competencies in Big Data and IoT, and providing technological and entrepreneurship training initiatives.

The agreements show the importance of joining forces and mobilising resources while looking beyond the boundaries of business or technological areas. This cooperation will maximise the impact on digital technologies across full value chains by working towards common goals.

The two bilateral declarations are a key step towards further collaboration between different European partnerships, very much in line with the recommendations of the mid-term review of the contractual Public-Private Partnerships under Horizon 2020. Further agreements for collaboration between partnerships are in preparation and are expected to be announced soon.

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Photo on Foter.com