FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Audiovisual services - EU looks for new contractors

Audiovisual services - Photo by jsawkins on Foter.com / CC BY-SAThe European Union is seeking for new contractors who will provide audiovisual production services, including graphics, animation, media applications, and distribution via multiple channels. The call for tender is open until 8th June 2018.

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The EU has launched a call for tender for the provision of audiovisual production services, including graphics, animation, media applications, and distribution via multiple channels.

It's a unique opportunity for all those contractors - interested in EU current affairs - who want to promote and disseminate EU policies and activities through audiovisual products with comprehensible messages for all EU citizens.

EU citizens want to know European policies

According to the last EU Citizenship Report, the Europeans are more aware of their status as citizens of the Union and the majority of them now consider they know their rights as EU citizens. The proportion of Europeans wanting to know more about their rights continues to increase. 

Furthermore they expect more actions to promote EU common values, in particular through education, mobility of young people and cultural activities.

In this context audiovisual and media services play a key role, since they manage to reach a broad audience - through different channels - that wants to know more about the EU policies and how the EU budget is spent. 

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Call for tender

The purpose of the call for tender is to provide the European Commission​ and the participating EU agencies with audiovisual production services, related to the production of graphics, animation and media applications​, and the distribution of audiovisual material via multiple channels.

The services and products may also be requested in different linguistic versions​.

Audiovisual production services

The contractor will be required to translate the complexity of policies, programmes and activities of the European Union into audiovisual products ​containing readily comprehensible messages​ for a non-specialist public​, which are imaginative and exciting and convey the beneficial impact of the European Union’s policies and activities on the everyday lives of European citizens. The contractor may also be called on for the performance of audiovisual communication activities for internal purposes​.

Production of graphics, animation and digital media applications

The ordering services are under this heading looking for professional expertise and support in the analysis, design, production and publication of graphics, animated videos and digital media applications​, such as multimedia applications, Virtual Reality applications, Augmented Reality applications, etc. All the services provided shall be in line with the highest industry standards and suitable for the target audience. The deliverables shall be innovative, attractive and creatively original.​ They must be delivered in appropriate pre-defined formats​ and respect the relevant audiovisual and visual guidelines or any other directions given by the ordering services.

Multi-channel distribution of audiovisual material

The contractor will be required to disseminate and promote across multiple channels and platforms audiovisual material that has been produced in the context of this framework contract and/or by third parties. Distribution channels may include: ​corporate dissemination channels of the European Commission, the Europe Direct network, the Representations of the Commission in the Member States, the EU Delegations around the world – Public and private TV/radio broadcasters – Online media publishers/distribution and other online resources – Social networks - etc.

Audiovisual distribution strategy

The contractor will propose the ordering service a distribution plan to disseminate the audiovisual materials according to the target audience, the nature of the message, the materials and the set budget. The contractor will use traditional and 'new' tools in order to ensure that the audiovisual material is placed in the most suitable communication channels and platforms and that the target audience is presented with this material across multiple channels and platforms.

Translation and transcription services and production of linguistic versions

The ordering services are under this heading looking for professional text translation services, audio and video transcription services and extensive services for the production of linguistic versions: versions with subtitling, voice-over, dubbing and/or sign language, versions for digital media applications as well as subtitling scripts for social media.

The estimated value is 80 million EUR, excluding VAT.

The time limit for receipt of tenders is 8th June 2018, 16.00 (Brussels local time).

> Call for tender

Photo by jsawkins on Foter.com / CC BY-SA