FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Africa - EU funding for support in Sahel countries, Niger and Mali

EU funding for AfricaThe European Union announced funding of EUR 125 million for the G5 Sahel countries, EUR 108 million for social policies, security, good governance and access to electricity in Niger and EUR 50 million for structural reforms in Mali.

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The EU is going to implement three new financial operations Africa. The biggest funding - EUR 125 millions - is for the G5 Sahel countries. The other two operations concern EUR 108 million for social policies, security, good governance and access to electricity in Niger and EUR 50 million for structural reforms in Mali.

Partnership with the G5 Sahel countries

The European Union announced additional funding of EUR 125 million for the G5 Sahel countries at the Partners and Donors Coordination Conference organised by the G5 Sahel in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

The EU's commitment is in response to the development and security priorities of the G5 Sahel, as set out in the Priority Investment Programme (PIP).

This response takes the form of the Emergency programme for the stabilisation of the G5 Sahel border areas', provided with EUR 70 million financed under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The programme will improve the living conditions of people in cross-border areas by ensuring better access to water and sanitation, by building the resilience of agricultural communities to food insecurity, and through conflict prevention measures.

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Support for social policies, governance and access to electricity in Niger

Brussels is mobilising an extra EUR 108 million for social policies, security, good governance and access to electricity in Niger. This EUR 90 million increase in the National Indicative Programme and an EUR 18 million investment grant for improving access to electricity have been approved as part of the strengthened partnership with Niger, under an integrated approach that combines development, security, humanitarian assistance and control of irregular migration.

This support also ties in with implementation of the national economic and social development plan adopted by Niger and backed by the EU and international partners.

Funding for structural reforms in Mali

Finally, the European Union mobilises EUR 50 million for implementation of structural reforms to improve security, governance and access to basic services in Mali. This amount will increase the resources allocated to the budget support programmes under way in the country aimed at implementing reforms in strategic sectors in the short term.

The reforms will make it possible to strengthen security in Mali, fight against corruption, improve access to elementary education, in particular for girls, improve access to a fair justice system, increase the provision of professional training, and reduce food and nutrition insecurity.