Funding News

Connecting Europe Facility - 2016 call Tlc, 24 projects selected

Cef Telecom24 projects have been selected to receive co-funding by the Connecting Europe Facility, Telecom sector.

Digital Agenda - DESI 2017, Europe needs to close digital gap

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016 

Kenya - supply of energy metering instruments

Kenya - Photo credit: diana_robinson via / CC BY-NC-NDThe contract is part of the Kenyan last mile connectivity project. 

India - consultancy services for road safety project

Montenegro - works for rehabilitation of railways

Horizon 2020 - Call for Geothermal Projects

Energy researchGEOTHERMICA partners officially preannounced a spring opening of the Call for Geothermal Projects.

EU Funds - research calls for ICT and materials engineering

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

Digital Agenda - DESI 2017, Europe needs to close digital gap

The 2017 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) shows that the EU is making progress but the gap between EU countries is still too wide.  desi 2017

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

India - consultancy services for road safety project

India - Photo credit: Aleksandr Zykov via / CC BY-SAThe objective of the assignment is to provide consultancy services to involve local communities into road safety programs.

Montenegro - works for rehabilitation of railways

ASEAN - tender for technical assistance in nuclear sector 

Montenegro - works for rehabilitation of railways

 The contract is part of a project to undertake emergency rehabilitation of culverts and bridges on railways of Montenegro.

Railways, Balkans - Photo credit: nothingtoseehere via / CC BY-NC-ND

ASEAN - tender for technical assistance in nuclear sector

Africa - consulting services in environmental sector

EU Funds - first call Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro

The first Call for Proposals of the Interreg IPA II CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme will be launched in March 2017. Bari vecchia

> EU – ERANETMED, pre-announcement call 2016

> Interreg MED 2014-2020 - first call for modular projects

ASEAN - tender for technical assistance in nuclear sector

The assignment concerns technical support to Governments in ASEAN for the management of nuclear emergencies.

Nuclear energy - Photo credit: via / CC BY

Africa - consulting services in environmental sector

Afghanistan - tender for energy supply improvement

EU Funds - public consultation on Erasmus+

The European Commission launched a public consultation to seek views on Erasmus+.


> Horizon 2020 - EU Prize for Women Innovators 2017 

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016 

Africa - consulting services in environmental sector

The assignment includes the preparation of documents for a Global Environment Fund project.

River in Africa - Photo credit: coda via / CC BY

Afghanistan - tender for energy supply improvement

Serbia - tender for works in hydroelectric sector

Afghanistan - tender for energy supply improvement

The assignment includes the supply of goods and works for power plants in Afghanistan.

Energy - Photo credit: Asian Development Bank via / CC BY-NC-ND

Serbia - tender for works in hydroelectric sector

Albania - supply of audiovisual system for legislative transparency