FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - CORE Organic call 2016

In the beginning of December 2016, CORE Organic is planning to launch an EU cofunded transnational joint call for research project proposals pear

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CORE Organic 

CORE Organic is the acronym for "Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems". The aim of CORE Organic is to improve the knowledge basis and innovation capacity necessary for supporting further development of organic food and farming as a way to respond to significant societal challenges in Europe’s agriculture and food systems.

The CORE Organic Cofund ERA-Net is the continuation of the ERA-Nets CORE Organic I, II and Plus.

Call 2016

The overall objective for the CORE Organic Call 2016 is that the proposed research projects support sustainable growth of the organic sector in Europe and beyond. The expected impacts are more sustainable organic food systems including farming practices, processing and innovative value chains, aiming at fulfilment of the growing demand for organic products, support to Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and organic farming regulations and subsequently supporting health, trade and job creation. Furthermore, the funded projects should contribute to the improvement of the general competitiveness of the European agriculture and present new and innovative solutions to environmentally friendly agriculture.

The CORE Organic Call 2016 will provide funds for four topics:

  • Topic 1: Ecological support in specialised and intensive plant production systems
  • Topic 2: Eco-efficient production and use of animal feed at local level
  • Topic 3: Appropriate and robust livestock systems: cattle, pigs, poultry
  • Topic 4: Organic food processing concepts and technologies for ensuring food quality, sustainability and consumer confidence

The CORE Organic consortium for the cofounded call consists of 25 partners from 19 countries and committed 13 million of euros of national funds “in cash” for transnational research. The CORE Organic Cofund ERA-Net will benefit from cofunding from the European Commission under Horizon2020. 

The Call is expected to be launched on December 5th 2016. A Brokerage Event for the CORE Organic Call will take place 7 December 2016 in Brussels in connection to the Organic Innovation Days of TP Organics.

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Photo credit: Julie, Dave & Family via Foter.com / CC BY-SA