FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

LIFE 2014-2020 – Climate action, awarded 26 action grants

The European Commission awarded 26 action grants in first year of LIFE Climate Action projects


In 2014, the Commission launched the first call for proposals under LIFE’s sub-programme for Climate Action. The EU Commission received 189, but just 26 projects were selected. They are situated in Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden.

The projects represent a total investment of some 73,9 million of euros. The EU will provide 36,75 million of euros. The projects cover actions in the fields of:

  • climate change mitigation,
  • climate change adaptation,
  • climate governance and information.

EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete said: “These projects demonstrate EU support for practical action to meet climate obligations ahead of the Paris Climate Conference. They show that it is possible to cut greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. LIFE is contributing to a shift towards a low carbon, resource efficient and climate-resilient economy.”

Horizon 2020 - SME Instrument, financing 2016-2017

Author: NotMicroButSoft (Fallen in Love with Ghizar, GB) / photo on flickr