ADB approves programmes to support reforms in the energy and financial markets in Uzbekistan

Photo by Farhodjon ChinberdievThe Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved two policy-based loans totalling $400 million to support the Government of Uzbekistan’s initiatives to enhance the country’s financial markets and develop a sustainable, market-led power sector.

Horizon Europe Funding Boost Fuels R & I Agenda

woman working in lab - credit to Jarmaluk via Pixabay 18-4-2024The European Commission has announced a significant amendment to the 2023-24 Work Programme of Horizon Europe, the EU's flagship research and innovation program. This update mobilises previously unallocated funding – adding nearly €1.4 billion to the 2024 budget – and totals nearly €7.3 billion. 

Commission approves €350 million German plan for renewable hydrogen

Image of lightbulb with plants growing out of it. Credit - Skyoverse via Pixabay In a significant show of support for the Green Transition, the European Commission has approved a €350 million German scheme to rapidly grow the production of renewable hydrogen.

Launch of the Global Green Bond Partnership

Green BondThe Global Green Bond Partnership (GGBP) was launched in San Francisco, at the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS). This new partnership will support efforts of sub-national entities such as cities, states, and regions, corporations and private companies, and financial institutions to accelerate the issuance of green bonds.

Circular economy - EP propose ways to boost plastics recycling

EU - Designing a European Innovation Council

The European Commission launched a call for ideas on the setting up of a European Innovation Council


> EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016
> Research - ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015, pre-announcement call 2016

Economic Forum, Europe in the Face of New Challenges

31st Economic Forum Karpacz From reconstruction in Ukraine to sustainable mobility, what was discussed at the 31st edition of the Economic Forum, this year hosted by the city of Karpacz, Poland, from 6 to 8 September.

The EU Commission proposes additional € 5 billion of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine

How NOT to work with the World Bank and other international financial organizations

World Bank - Photo credit: Shiny ThingsA company can have several objectives beyond the simplistic but correct aim of profit maximization: these can extend to growth into new or foreign markets, the development of a social responsibility program, an increase in market share in its sector, networking for future opportunities, internationalization  etc. or even the necessary fight for survival in these post great recession times.

Business opportunities for medical devices with the World Bank and other IFIs

Business opportunities for medical devices with the World Bank and other IFIs

Medical devicesThe World Bank Group, in order to tackle the medical crisis, will be providing up to $ 160 billion over the next 15 months in financing for delivering record levels of support in order to help countries protect the poor and vulnerable, reinforcing health systems, maintaining the private sector, and bolstering economic recovery.

MFF and Recovery Fund: Brussels should be ambitious

MFF and Recovery Fund: Brussels should be ambitious

EU vs COVID-19 The increasingly asymmetrical crisis compels Brussels to safeguard the single market, thus avoiding losing businesses and jobs. The Commission is called to present the most ambitious proposal, avoiding mediations.

Saving the economy and human lives will never be priced

ESPON - seminar on territorial cohesion

Simin Davoudi - photo credit ESPONPlaces in decline, are not left behind, they are kept behind, by decades of neglect, under-development, lack of investment and misguided policies said Professor Simin Davoudi, from the University of Newcastle, keynote speaker in the ESPON seminar about “the role of functional areas in territorial cohesion”.

Mongolia - consulting services for sustainable urban transformation

SDGs - in June the Sustainable Energy for All Charrettes

SeforAllIn 2019 Sustainable Energy for All will convene a series of intensive planning and mapping meetings focused on how to increase the speed and scale of progress along the critical path to SDG7, which calls for universal access to sustainable energy by 2030.

Launch of the Global Green Bond Partnership