FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EIT - call KICs 2016

The EIT launched the 2016 Call for new Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) for the creation of two new KICs



The EIT is an independent EU body with a budget of 2,4 billion of euros from 2014 to 2020 within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The EIT aims to create sustainable growth and jobs by boosting innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. Its dynamic, cross-border Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) bring together leading business, higher education and research institutions, which develop innovative products and services, generate new companies and train the new generation of entrepreneurs.

Call 2016

The call supports the creation of two new KICs:

  • EIT Food,
  • EIT Manufacturing,

to add to the five already up and running in the areas of climate (Climate KIC), digital (DIgital KIC), energy (KIC InnoEnergy), health (EIT Health) and raw materials innovation (EIT Raw Materials).

EIT Food will seek to develop innovative solutions to ensure a climate-resilient and sustainable global food value chain. EIT Manufacturing will strengthen and increase the competitiveness of Europe’s manufacturing industry. The EIT’s contribution to the KIC’s budget will not exceed 25% of its overall budget.

The proposals to form a KIC should be submitted by partners from business, higher education and research institutions, with the aim of tackling societal challenges by developing innovative products and services.The remaining 75% should be financed from other non-EIT sources of financing (e.g. mainly partners’ own resources and other sources including national/regional funding, EU funds, etc.).

The EIT is organising anInformation Day in Bruxelles (18th February 2016) for the 2016 Call for Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) Proposals to provide participants with information on the Call and guidance to potential applicants in submitting high quality and successful proposals

The Call is open until 14th of July 2016, 17:00 Brussels local time.

Photo credit: Idaho National Laboratory via Foter.com / CC BY