FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU - EEPA 2016, European Enterprise Promotion Awards

The European Commission launched the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2016

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> EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016

The European Enterprise Promotion Awards reward those who promote entrepreneurship and small business at the national, regional and local level. Initiatives from all EU countries, as well as Iceland, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey can take part in the competition. Since 2006, over 2.800 projects have entered the awards and together they have supported the creation of thousands of new companies.

> EU - Call Health 2015, results

The objectives of the Awards are to:

  • identify and recognise successful activities and initiatives undertaken to promote enterprise and entrepreneurship;
  • showcase and share examples of best entrepreneurship policies and practices;
  • create a greater awareness of the role entrepreneurs play in society;
  • encourage and inspire potential entrepreneurs.

The award categories are:

  1. Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit: promote an entrepreneurial mindset, especially among young people and women;
  2. Investing in entrepreneurial skills: improve entrepreneurial and managerial skills;
  3. Improving the business environment: support enterprise start-up and growth, simplify legislative and administrative procedures for businesses;
  4. Supporting the internationalisation of business: encourage enterprises and particularly small and medium-sized businesses to benefit more from the opportunities offered by markets, both inside and outside the EU;
  5. Supporting the development of green markets and resource efficiency: support SME access to green markets and help to improve their resource efficiency through, for example, green skills development and matchmaking, as well as funding;
  6. Responsible and inclusive entrepreneurship: promote corporate social responsibility among small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship among disadvantaged groups such as the unemployed, legal migrants, disabled, or people from ethnic minorities.

The Jury’s Grand Prize can be from any category and will go to the entry considered to be the most creative and inspiring entrepreneurship initiative in Europe.

Proposals should be submitted before June 14th, 2016.

The competition has two stages: applicants must first compete at national level to be eligible to compete at European level.The winners will be announced at an Awards ceremony at the SME Assembly, which is part of European SME Week.

Photo credit: internetsense via Foter.com / CC BY-ND