FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU - call for tender, training of candidate volunteers

The Call for Tender EU Aid Volunteers Training has been published


The EU Aid Volunteers initiative aims to contribute to strengthening the Union’s capacity to provide needs-based humanitarian aid. It also seeks to contribute to increasing and improving the capacity of the Union to provide humanitarian aid through enhancing the coherence and consistency of volunteering across Member States in order to improve opportunities for Union citizens to participate in humanitarian aid activities and operations.

The EU Aid Volunteers initiative will offer over 4.400 citizens the opportunity to join a humanitarian organisation around the world for a limited amount of time, in addition to 10 000 online volunteering opportunities and some 4.000 opportunities for capacity building for local organisations. The initiative is open to a variety of profiles, from newcomers to experienced humanitarian experts.

EACEA launched a call for tender 'EU aid volunteers initiative: training programme and training of candidate volunteers'. The Agency wishes to conclude a framework service contract (4 years) for developing a training programme for the EU aid volunteers initiative, providing training services to candidate volunteers, and assessing the competences of the candidate volunteers trained.

Estimated value excluding VAT: 8.700.000 euro.

Offers should be sent before December 18th 2015, 16:00 (Bruxelles local time).

Call for tender

Author: DFAT photo library / photo on flickr