FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU tender: assistance mechanism for investment in the blue economy

Blue economyThe EU call for tenders 'Assistance mechanism for investment in the blue economy' is open until October. The call is supported by the EMFF work programme for 2018.

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The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has published a call for tenders in order to set up an assistance mechanism for investment in the blue economy. The call is sustained by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

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European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

The EMFF is the fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020. It is one of the five European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds which complement each other and seek to promote a growth and job based recovery in Europe.

The Fund:

  • helps fishermen in the transition to sustainable fishing,
  • supports coastal communities in diversifying their economies,
  • finances projects that create new jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts,
  • supports sustainable aquaculture developments,
  • makes it easier for applicants to access financing.

Each country is allocated a share of the total Fund budget, based on the size of its fishing industry.

EU call for tenders

This is a call for tenders, in a form of an open procedure, launched with a view to establish an assistance mechanism for investment in the blue economy, to be branded as “Blue Economy Assistance Platform”, with a view to facilitating access to investment for maritime ventures.

The purpose of this call for tenders is to select a service provider to set up and operate an “Assistance Mechanism (AM)” that will support access to finance for SMEs, start-ups, early stage businesses and scale-ups in the blue economy.

The goal of these services is to select ventures /companies in order to increase their level of investment readiness, and ultimately facilitate investment in these ventures/companies by private and /or public investors.

The estimated value, excluding VAT, is 4.700.000 EUR.

The offers must be sent before October 10th 2018, 15.00 (Brussels local time).

> Call for tenders