ADB approves programmes to support reforms in the energy and financial markets in Uzbekistan

Photo by Farhodjon ChinberdievThe Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved two policy-based loans totalling $400 million to support the Government of Uzbekistan’s initiatives to enhance the country’s financial markets and develop a sustainable, market-led power sector.

Call to bring the future to Europe's rural communities

person taking digital image of mountain. Credit: Mael Balland via unsplashLaunched on June 28, 2024, the Futural Open Call offers €1.2 million to support the development and implementation of innovative Smart Solutions, empowering rural communities across Europe to address key challenges and unlock their full potential.

MSCA calls continue to boost international research cooperation

researchers in chemistry lab. Credit: Edward Jenner via PexelDespite the many challenges facing the EU economy, EU investment in top-notch, cooperative doctoral research is not only being maintained, but is taking centre stage as a means to ensure the bloc's capacity to innovate in a competitive academic environment.

Getting lost on the road to EU Expansion

Flags of Europe at Palace of Europe. Credit: Bru-no via Pixabay.The history of the European Union, if anything, can be written in chapters - a winding road replete with growth, retraction, adversity and triumph. However, with some exceptions, the past two decades have perhaps been the most stable and peaceful period the continent has ever known.

Horizon Europe Funding Boost Fuels R & I Agenda

woman working in lab - credit to Jarmaluk via Pixabay 18-4-2024The European Commission has announced a significant amendment to the 2023-24 Work Programme of Horizon Europe, the EU's flagship research and innovation program. This update mobilises previously unallocated funding – adding nearly €1.4 billion to the 2024 budget – and totals nearly €7.3 billion. 

Commission approves €350 million German plan for renewable hydrogen

Image of lightbulb with plants growing out of it. Credit - Skyoverse via Pixabay In a significant show of support for the Green Transition, the European Commission has approved a €350 million German scheme to rapidly grow the production of renewable hydrogen.

EIT published a new call for Raw Materials

Photocredit: WikipediaA new € 10 million call for proposals has been launched by EIT RawMaterials, the Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which aims to support a secure and stable supply of raw materials in Europe by fostering innovation, education and entrepreneurship in European industrial ecosystems.

A quick but exhaustive Guide to EU Funds written by an artificial intelligence

EU Funding Guide by StableDiffusionXLThis guide has been written by an artificial intelligence model - I wouldn't say which one because it's not open source, and it could seem advertising - and was checked and a little edited by me. It's an experiment to understand how much AI could support the jobs of writers, editors, analysts and researchers. At the moment all the tests I have done show that AI can do only simple tasks, but if you really need to go deeper into specific matters to find solutions and understand how you can exploit significant opportunities, the human brain is still invaluable. This guide can be considered as a short travel on all the aspects of the EU Funds, useful for beginners and maybe also as a good checklist for the things that have to be done to get funded. It's worth to give a look and any feedbacks will be appreciated.

Launch of the Global Green Bond Partnership

Green BondThe Global Green Bond Partnership (GGBP) was launched in San Francisco, at the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS). This new partnership will support efforts of sub-national entities such as cities, states, and regions, corporations and private companies, and financial institutions to accelerate the issuance of green bonds.

Circular economy - EP propose ways to boost plastics recycling

Fit for 55 package: an overview of the Social Climate Fund

View of Brussel's Car-Free Sunday - European Commission - Photo credit: Xavier LejeuneDuring the April plenary session, the European Parliament discussed and adopted five fundamental laws of the “Fit for 55 in 2023 package”, approving the deals that had already been reached at the end of 2022 with the member states: the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the reform of the EU’s Emissions Trading System and a new Social Climate Fund to combat energy and mobility poverty. Let's get into the latter.

Fit for 55: Parliament adopts key laws to reach 2030 climate target

EU - Designing a European Innovation Council

The European Commission launched a call for ideas on the setting up of a European Innovation Council


> EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016
> Research - ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015, pre-announcement call 2016