FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

ERC – Proof of concept, results 2015

The Europen Research Council (ERC) announced the results of the third round of its 2015 Proof of Concept grant competition

proof of concept 

Proof of concept

The ERC Work Programme 2016 foresees 1,67 billion of euros for different kinds of grants:

  • Starting Grants, for researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience, funding up to 1,5 million of euros (in some circumstances up to 2 million of euros) for 5 years (485 million of euros);
  • Consolidator Grants, for researchers of any nationality with over 7 and up to 12 years of experience, funding up to 2 million of euros (in some circumstances up to 2,75 million of euros) for 5 years (605 million of euros);
  • Advanced Grants, for scientifically independent researchers of any nationality and any age, funding up to 2,5 million of euros (in some circumstances up to 3,5 million of euros) for 5 years (540 million of euros);
  • Proof of concept, for Principal Investigators benefitting from an ERC Advanced, Synergy, Consolidator or Starting Grant, funding up to 150.000 euros for a period up to 18 months (20 million of euros).

Results 2015

In 2015 the ERC received 339 applications for this additional funding and awarded grants worth 20 million of euros. The awarded projects cover wide range of topics in physical sciences and engineering, life sciences and social sciences and humanities.

The researchers selected are based in 17 countries across the Europe: United Kingdom (22), Spain (20), Netherlands (17), Germany (15), France (10), Sweden (9), Israel (8), Switzerland (8), Italy (7), Belgium (5), Austria (3), Denmark (3), Portugal (3), Greece (2), Cyprus (1), Finland (1), and Poland (1).

The Proof of concept grants can be used, for example, to establish intellectual property rights, investigate business opportunities or conduct technical validation.

Photo credit: RDECOM via Foter.com / CC BY