FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU - Designing a European Innovation Council

The European Commission launched a call for ideas on the setting up of a European Innovation Council


> EU - Bio-Based Industries JTI, Call 2016
> Research - ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015, pre-announcement call 2016

 Positive steps have been taken in recent years to integrate innovation into EU programmes and policies, in particular Horizon 2020. However, the support mechanisms can be difficult to navigate, and lacks the flexibility and responsiveness that disruptive innovation requires.

> Horizon 2020 - Social Innovation prize 2016

The call for ideas seeks proposals from all interested parties, including innovators who do not usually participate in EU support schemes, on how a European Innovation Council could be designed to improve Europe's capacity to generate and scale up breakthrough innovations.

It is important that the design of the European Innovation Council is based on the best possible ideas and evidence from all interested parties (notably business, entrepreneurs, academia, national and regional authorities, representative bodies).

An analysis of the responses will be published by June 2016 and feed into any possible proposals that the Commission will discuss with Member States and the European Parliament.

The deadline for responses is 29 April 2016.

Photo credit: Novartis AG via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND