FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

COSME – 24 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships

The European Commission selected 24 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International (ESCP-4i)


> Connecting Europe Facility – Energy, forthcoming calls 2016

> Horizon 2020 - Euratom, Work Programme 2016-2017



The European Commission officially launched the newly established "European Strategic Cluster Partnerships - Going International" (ESCP-4i) following the call for proposals "Cluster Go International" and organised a major partnering event for the different cluster organisations involved in these partnerships.

In total, 24 Cluster Partnerships were selected:

  • 15 co-funded projects resulting from the call "Clusters Go International",
  • 9 additional voluntary partnerships that were on the reserve list of the call and accepted to keep working on joint cooperation agenda without EC direct co-funding.

All together, the ESCP-4i Cluster Partnerships gather about 140 cluster organisations across 23 European countries active in various industrial and cross-sectoral areas including health, aerospace, mobility and logistics, food, energy, marine and environment, materials, photonics, ICT, micro/nano-electronics, rail, construction and sports.

The partnerships will be targeting cooperation with third countries' economies, of which the main ones include Brazil, China, India, Japan and USA. Together, they represent a potential to support more than 17,000 European SMEs in accessing global value chains and taking a leading position globally.

The names of the successful co-funded Partnerships actively involved:

In the preparation phase (strand 1) aimed to prepare a joint internationalization strategy and an implementation roadmap:

  • AdPack  - Future Materials and Products for Advanced Smart Packaging
  • ECCA - European Circular Construction Alliance
  • EnW – Energy in Water
  • LASER-GO – European Strategic Cluster Partnership in Photonics on Health
  • MobiGoln - Mobility Goes International
  • MOVE - Moving the Future
  • New Frontier in Food - New Frontiers for Emerging Industries in Food
  • SmartCityTech - Internationalisation of cross-domain Smart City Solutions powered by ICT
  • SPACE2ID - Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification

In the implementation phase (strand 2) aimed to develop and implement collaboration activities with international partners:

  • EACP ABROAD - Activities and Businesses from Real Opportunities for Aerospace Developments (European Aerospace Cluster Partnership)
  • bioXclusters plus – European Strategic Cluster Partnership on Personalised Healthcare
  • EU4SPORTSCLUSTERALL – EU4Sports Clusters Alliance
  • NATUREEF - Natural Resources Efficiency European Strategic Cluster Partnership
  • REINA PLUS - Renewable Energy Internationalisation European Strategic Cluster Partnership project for European SMEs
  • Silicon Europe Worldwide – European Semiconductor Cluster Internationalisation Project

Other Partnerships labelled as ESCP-4i on a voluntary basis, but without direct EC funding, are:

  • 3BI - European Intercluster for Bioeconomy and Bio-based Innovation
  • CROSSCUT – European strategic Cluster Partnership on Sustainable Construction
  • DECISION - Delivering Cluster International Strategies into Overseas Networks
  • EU4FOOD - Global Alliance for the development of international food bio-based clusters
  • FoodPackLab - Photonics-Packaging Partnership for Food Innovation
  • GIVE - Green ICT development
  • PERES - Promoting European Railway Excellence Outside EU
  • SeaMICI - Seabed Mining Clusters for SMEs Internationalisation
  • WIINTECH 2020 - Worldwide Intercluster Initiative for New Materials and Processes focused on Clean Technologies

> Research - ERA-NET Cofund WaterWorks2015, pre-announcement call 2016

Photo credit: jairoagua via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA