FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

SME – standardisation, EU e-learning tool

An e-learning tool has been launched to help SMEs learn about standardisation


> COSME – 24 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships

> EU - EEPA 2016, European Enterprise Promotion Awards


Standardisation has played a leading role in creating the EU Single Market. Standards support market-based competition and help ensure the interoperability of complementary products and services. They reduce costs, improve safety, and enhance competition; the benefits of standards can be gained both from using them and from participating in the process of revising or developing them. However, SMEs often lack the human and financial resources to be fully involved in such activities.

The EU has an active standardisation policy that promotes standards as a way to better regulation and enhance the competitiveness of European industry. The Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 aims to improve the procedure involved in setting European standards to make it faster and more inclusive.

E-learning tool

The e-learning tool has been developed by CEN (the European Committee for Standardization) and CENELEC (the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) with the support of the European Commission.

It helps SMEs to better understand the standardisation process and prepares them to actively participate. It is available in 23 languages. This new tool for SMEs consists of 6 modules with individual subjects. Each module begins with a review of the learning targets, followed by an animation that explains the subject based on a concrete situation.

After the animation, you can read more about the subject and finally test your knowledge. If you so wish, you can print a Certificate of Achievement.

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Photo credit: wgreller via Foter.com / CC BY