FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Immigration – EU Funds for Africa and Turkey

New EU funds for migrants in Africa and Turkey

immigration - European Commission DG ECHO

> Humanitarian aid - emergency plan within EU borders

> Refugee crisis – new proposals by the European Commission


The European Commission today announced the adoption of 20 new measures to assist the Sahel region and the Lake Chad Basin under the 'Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa'.

These measures, with a budget of over 280 million of euros, correspond directly to the commitments made under the Action Plan adopted at the Valletta Summit (11-12 November 2015). The aim of the measures is to improve the management of migration flows, create sustainable economic opportunities for young people and address the factors of instability and vulnerability.


The European Commission announced a new set of projects under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey, bringing the Commission's total support so far through the Facility to 187 million of euros.

A further 60 million of euros in a special measure will cover expenses for food, health care and accommodation of migrants who have been returned from Greece to Turkey. A further 50 million of euros in humanitarian aid will address the immediate needs of Syrian refugees in Turkey. This brings the Commission's total support so far through the Facility to 187 million of euros.

Health - European Medical Corps to respond to emergencies