FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - CONCERT EJP, call for radiation protection

CONCERT EJP launched a transnational Call for Proposals to support innovative research projects in radiation protection


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Horizon 2020, CONCERT EJP

The ‘CONCERT-European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research’ under Horizon 2020 is operating as an umbrella structure for the research initiatives jointly launched by the radiation protection research platforms MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS and EURADOS.

CONCERT is a co-fund action that aims at attracting and pooling national research efforts with European ones in order to make better use of public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges in radiation protection more effectively by joint research efforts in key areas.

CONCERT EJP, call 2016

CONCERT EJP is launching a first transnational Call for Proposals to support innovative research projects in radiation protection. The aims of the call are:

  • To support transnational research projects that combine innovative approaches in the field of radiation protection in line with the research priorities of CONCERT;
  • To actively integrate E&T activities and collaboration with universities in multidisciplinary research projects;
  • To make optimal use of research infrastructures.

Project proposals will address multidisciplinary and transnational research. The project proposals must cover one of the following areas that are equal in relevance for this call:

  • improvement of health risk assessment associated with low dose/dose rate radiation;
  • reducing uncertainties in human and ecosystem radiological risk assessment and management in nuclear emergencies and existing exposure situations, including NORM.

Only transnational projects will be funded. Each proposal must involve at least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established in a different EU Member State or Euratom Programme associated country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other.

The budget is 10,4 million of euros. Proposals must be submitted before 2nd August 2016 17:00 CET (Brussels local time).

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Photo credit: Idaho National Laboratory via Foter.com / CC BY