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Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor - questionnaire for Digital Entrepreneurship

The European Commission is seeking the views of European companies regarding digital transformation in the frame of the Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor

digital > EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor

The Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor (DEM) is a project launched by the European Commission to develop appropriate tools to monitor emerging digital trends and their potential impact on businesses in a systematic way.

DEM is designed with the following objectives:

  • Developing the understanding of new digital technologies
  • Assessing the uptake of digital Europe
  • Supporting the rollout of digital policies
  • Building a sustainable future for digital Europe.

The project is being undertaken by PwC, CARSA, IDATE and ESN for the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship
and SMEs

Questionnaire for Digital Entrepreneurship

Digital transformation is developing rapidly worldwide. European companies, no matter how big or small, need to adapt their business model to the growing needs of the market. The digital transformation of EU business represents enormous growth potential for Europe, creating millions of jobs and significantly reducing the costs of public administrations.

This is why the European Commission is looking for the views of European companies in the automotive, mechanical engineering and pharmaceutical sectors to tackle bottlenecks for digitalisation and create an adequate environment to exploit its full potential.

The results will provide an overview of and will allow the European Commission to make recommendations that will improve the current entrepreneurial environment.

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

Photo credit: startupphotos via Foter.com / CC BY