FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Research - call for projects in coal and steel sectors

The new RFCS call for research projects in coal and steel sectors is open until 15 September 2016 rfcs

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

> Horizon 2020 – Science and society, consultation on Work programme

The Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) supports research projects in coal and steel sectors. These projects cover: production processes; application, utilisation and conversion of resources; safety at work; environmental protection and reducing CO2 emissions from coal use and steel production. The revenues generated from the assets of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) which have been transferred to the European Union in 2002 are used to support the RFCS research programme activities.

Research and technological development (RTD) shall aim to improve steel production processes with a view to enhancing product quality and increasing productivity. Reducing emissions, energy consumption and the environmental impact as well as enhancing the use of raw materials and the conservation of resources shall form an integral part of the improvements sought.

The 2016 call, with ha budget of 42,1 million of euros, foresees 2 topics:

  • RFCS-01-2016: Coal
  • RFCS-02-2016: Steel

Proposals must be submitted before 15 September 2016, 17.00 (Brussels local time).

> Innovative Medicine Initiative – IMI2, anticipation call 9

Photo credit: Argonne National Laboratory via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA