FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - SESAR 2020, call 2016 for air navigation system

The new SESAR 2020 call for proposals will open on July 14th 2016 sesar

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

> EU - call for tender, training of candidate volunteers

SESAR 2020

The aim of SESAR 2020 is to develop new systems for the unification of European airspace and meet the challenges of increasing air traffic. SESAR 2020 is a public-private partnership (PPP) within the EU programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020.

It is the mechanism which seeks to coordinate and concentrate all EU research and development activities in ATM, pooling together a wealth experts to develop the new generation of ATM.

The total estimated cost of the development phase of SESAR is 2,1 billion of euros, to be divided equally between the European Union, Eurocontrol and the industry. Given the nature of the programme and its scope the Community contribution will come from Research and Trans-European Network funds.

Call 2016

The new call, with a budget of 9 million of euros, has different topics:

  • RPAS-01: SESAR UTM Concept Definition
  • RPAS-02: Drone information management
  • RPAS-03: Aircraft systems
  • RPAS-04: Ground-based technology
  • RPAS-05: Datalink
  • RPAS-06: Security & cyber-resilience
  • RPAS-07: Science for higher levels of automation

Proposals should be submitted from 14 July 2016 until 25 October 2016 17:00 (Brussels time).

> Horizon 2020 - Clean Sky 2, EU call for aeronautical research

Photo credit: dawsean via Foter.com / CC BY