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Digital single market - the 5G Manifesto

17 telecom companies propose a challenging calendar for the introduction of 5G networks across Europe digital

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

Commissioner Oettinger received the “5G Manifesto for timely deployment of 5G in Europe” from key players in telecoms and in sectors in which 5G technologies will help build innovative products and services.

The manifesto presents a consolidated industry view developed by board-level executives from the telecoms sector (BT Group, Deutsche Telekom,  Ericsson, Hutchison Whampoa Europe, Inmarsat, Nokia, Orange, Proximus, Royal KPN, SES, Tele2 AB, TIM - Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Telekom Austria Group, Telenor Group, Telia Company and Vodafone) and leading companies from the industries that are most likely to take advantage of 5G technologies early on, starting in 2018 (transport and logistics, healthcare, energy, media and entertainment, manufacturing, smart cities).

It is expected that more industry players will subscribe to it once published. A high level meeting between representatives of the manifesto promoters and Commissioner Oettinger took place today to discuss 5G core priorities and recommendations for the next steps.

The 5G Manifesto outlines the main opportunities and challenges linked to the deployment of 5G infrastructure in Europe. In particular, it provides recommendations for a common vision and a calendar for deployment of investments, standards and the synchronised introduction of services in Europe. It underlines the need for spectrum and improved regulatory conditions in terms of local installation of cells, open internet rules which promote innovation, data protection and fair use.

When drawing up its 5G Action Plan, the Commission will consider the industry analysis and recommendations, alongside other inputs, and in particular from the consultation, which is open until 11th July. The 5G Action Plan will be presented in September, at the same time as the proposal for the review of the telecom regulatory framework.

The telecom companies commit to starting large-scale demonstrations by 2018 and launching 5G commercially in at least one city in each of the 28 Member States by 2020. This responds to Commissioner Oettinger's call of 23rd February at the Mobile World Congress 2016 to raise our ambitions to make Europe a leader in 5G deployment. The manifesto also underlines the importance of sectors such as automotive or media in the development and deployment of the 5G networks and the need to work together to create the 5G business models, services and products.

> Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor - questionnaire for Digital Entrepreneurship

Photo credit: Johan Larsson via Foter.com / CC BY