FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Innovative Medicine Initiative – IMI2, anticipation call 10

IMI 2 proposed indicative topics for call 10


> Horizon 2020 - Health, topics of work programme 2014-2020

> Innovative Medicine Initiative – IMI2, anticipation call 9




IMI is a partnership between the European Union (represented by the European Commission) and the European pharmaceutical industry (represented by EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations). IMI is the world's biggest public-private partnership (PPP) in the life sciences. Through the IMI 2 programme, it has a 3,3 billion of euros budget for the period 2014-2024.

Call 10

The indicative topics under consideration for inclusion in the call are:

  1. Understanding hypoglycaemia: the underlying mechanisms and addressing clinical determinants as well as consequences for people with diabetes by combining databases from clinical trials
  2. How Big Data could support better diagnosis and treatment outcomes for Prostate Cancer (topic forms part of the IMI Big Data for Better Outcomes (BD4BO) programme)
  3. Improving the care of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain (this topic consists of three subtopics: a) Using patient reported outcome measures to improve the management of acute and chronic pain (PROMs); b) Improving the translatability of pharmacodynamic biomarkers in pain pathways of healthy subjects and preclinical species (BIOM); c) Improving translation in chronic pelvic pain (PCC))
  4. Creation of a pan-European paediatric clinical trials network
  5. Biomanufacturing 2020: Development of innovative high throughput analytical tools and methods to characterize cell culture fluid during development and commercial cell culture processes
  6. Unlocking the solute carrier gene-family for effective new therapies
  7. Enhanced patient voice in medicines lifecycle
  8. Precision medicines approaches in autism spectrum disorders

All information regarding future IMI Call topics is indicative and subject to change. Final information about future IMI Calls will be communicated after approval by the IMI Governing Board.

> Horizon 2020 - Societal challenge 2, work programme 2014-2020

Photo credit: NEC Corporation of America via Foter.com / CC BY