FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom, new calls 2016

The European Commission launched two sets of calls for proposals of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) endowed with more than €28 million.


> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

Interested applicants from all EU Member States as well as Iceland and Norway may submit their proposals in the areas of Automated Translation, Cyber Security, eInvoicing, Europeana and Safer Internet.

CEF Telecom funding supports projects of common interest that will contribute to increasing interoperability, connectivity and deployment of trans-European digital infrastructures across the EU. It will also support the flow of public and private investment towards mature solutions - improving the daily life of citizens, businesses and public administrations and contributing to the development of a Digital Single Market.

To receive co-funding under the calls, actions must be ready for deployment, contribute to EU Digital Single Market policies and have a long-term sustainability strategy.

The CEF-TC-2016-3 call, open until 15 December 2016, is devoted to:

  • Automated Translation  - to improve the quality and coverage of automated translation especially in the public sector cases that require cross-lingual functionalities, thereby facilitating cross-border information exchange for citizens, businesses and administrations - €6.5 million
  • Cyber Security to create, maintain or expand national capacities to run a range of cybersecurity services, in order to allow member states to participate on an equal footing in the existing cooperation mechanisms - €12 million
  • eInvoicing supports the uptake of electronic invoicing solutions among public administrations and of the upcoming European standard on e-Invoicing, contributing to the digital transformation of eProcurement  - €7 million
  • Europeana: will contribute in particular to showcasing the cultural treasures of Europe on the Europeana platform - €2 million

The CEF-TC-2016-4 call open until 18 October focuses on:

  • Safer Internet. With a budget of €1.1 million it supports actions that help make the Internet a trusted environment for children.

> Innovation - Sharing and Reuse Awards for IT solutions

Photo credit: SOZIALHELDEN via Foter.com / CC BY