FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 - new programmes for nanomedicine and emerging technologies

Horizon 2020 will finance EuroNanoMed III and FLAG-ERA II h2020

> Horizon 2020 - EU Prize for Women Innovators 2017

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency 

EuroNanoMed III

EuroNanoMed has recently applied for an extension of its activities in Europe and beyond. The ENM III application has been positively evaluated and is currently undergoing the Grant Agreement Preparation phase with the Commission.

The ENM III consortium, reinforced with 12 new partners from Europe, Canada and Taiwan, is committed to foster the competiveness of European nanomedicine actors, taking into account recent changes in the landscape and new stakeholders and challenges, as identified in the Nanomedicine Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

ENM III is expected to start and launch the first joint call in autumn 2016, whichwill be co-funded by ENM III partners and the EC.

Following the co-funded call, three additional joint transnational calls will be organized and strategic activities will be conducted in collaboration with key initiatives in the field.

ENM III actions will strength their focus on translation of project results to clinical applications and industry needs.


FLAG-ERA contributes to the objectives of the two FET Flagships, namely model the brain for the Human Brain Project and bring graphene from the laboratory to the society for the Graphene Flagship. More specifically, the objective of FLAG-ERA is to support the part of the Flagship initiatives funded by national and regional funding organisations in Europe. By bringing together research teams across various disciplines sharing a unifying goal and a research roadmap on how to achieve it, and by gathering efforts funded by the European Commission and by the Member States into a long-term, large scale initiative, Flagships can aim at solving grand scientific and technological challenges. FLAG-ERA thus supports research and innovation activities which are both contributing to the FET Flagship objectives and benefiting from the synergies offered by the Flagship partnership model.

A specific objective of FLAG-ERA II is to launch a new Joint Transnational Call, the JTC 2017, with a budget of about 15 million of euros. Compared to the first FLAG-ERA call, the JTC 2015, launched in the framework of FLAG-ERA I, the main novelty introduced by this new call is that it includes an applied research and innovation part in addition to the basic research part, thus accompanying the evolution of the Flagships towards higher TRLs and supporting the delivery of concrete results for the European society.

FLAG-ERA II is the second ERA-NET project, lasting from October 2016 to September 2021, following the first FLA-ERA ERA-NET project which lasted from October 2013 to September 2016. FLAGERA II is implemented as an ERA-NET Cofund.

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Photo credit: Pan American Health Organization PAHO via Foter.com / CC BY-ND