FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

SME Instrument - Overseas Trade Fairs Programme

SME Instrument’s Overseas Trade Fairs Programme supports the international commercialisation of EU innovations developed under Phases 1 and 2 of the SME Instrument internationalization

> Horizon 2020 - SME Instrument, financing in 2016-2017

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SME Instrument

Horizon 2020 funds high-potential innovation through a dedicated SME Instrument, which offers seamless business innovation support under the section Societal Challenges and the specific part Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEITs).

The dedicated SME instrument's supports close-to-market activities, with the aim to give a strong boost to breakthrough innovation. Highly innovative SMEs with a clear commercial ambition and a potential for high growth and internationalisation are the prime target.

The SME Instrument offers small and medium-sized businesses the following:

  1. Business innovation grants for feasibility assessment purposes (optional phase 1): EUR 50,000 (lump sum) per project (70% of total cost of the project);
  2. Business innovation grants for innovation development & demonstration purposes (possible phase 2): an amount in the indicative range of EUR 500,000 and 2,5 million (70% of total cost of the project as a general rule);
  3. Access to a wide range of innovation support services to facilitate the commercial exploitation of the innovation (phase 3).

SME Instrument’s Overseas Trade Fairs Programme

As part of the SME Instrument’s support to commercialisation services (phase 3), Overseas Trade Fairs Programme supports the commercialisation of funded project presented by Phase 1 and Phase 2 SME Instrument Champions with global ambitions and a solid international business strategy.

In the current economic environment, companies' growth potential also depends on access to overseas markets which is why the programme offers different services:

  • organising SMEs participation to one of a series of 15 international Trade Fairs in 11 countries outside the EU; 
  • guiding SMEs through the preparation for these Trade Fairs and business meetings overseas;
  • promoting SMEs on the international scene and to target counterparts in identified markets.

The Programme will subsidise the participation of up to 15 SME Instrument Champions at 15 renowned international Trade Fairs taking place in 2017 and 2018, in 11 countries outside the EU. In other words, up to 225 European SMEs will be assisted and guided in their quest to commercialise their innovations outside the EU.

The applications for 4 international Trade Fairs are now open:

  • 14th edition of Malaysia International Halal Showcase (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-8 April 2017): deadline 9th December 2016;
  • 7th Fiber Optics Expo (Tokyo, Japan, 5-7 April 2017): deadline 9th December 2016;
  • IE Expo (Shanghai, China, 4-6 May 2017): deadline 13th January 2017;
  • BIO International Convention (San Diego, USA, 19-22 June 2017): deadline 13th January 2017.

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Photo credit: andrewasmith via Foter.com / CC BY-SA