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EU - ENISA, public consultation on cybersecurity

Commission has launched a public consultation for the review of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA). Cybersecurity

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016

The European Commission launches a public consultation to seek views on the past performance of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) and on a possible overhaul of its mandate in view of new challenges the EU faces in the cybersecurity field.


Since its creation in 2004, ENISA has been a reference for cybersecurity expertise in Europe, helping the European Institutions, the Member States and the business community to address, respond to and, most crucially, prevent network and information security problems.

The 2013 ENISA Regulation requires the Commission to conduct an evaluation of the agency by June 2018 and to assess the possible need to modify its mandate, which will come to an end in 2020. In view of the rapid evolution of the EU cybersecurity and digital privacy landscape, both on the threat and policy side, the Commission has brought forward the ENISA evaluation and will review the ENISA Regulation as part of its 2017 Work Programme.

Public consultation

The public consultation will feed into both the evaluation of ENISA over the period 2013-2016 and a possible revision of the current mandate. In particular, the Commission seeks views on how ENISA has achieved its objectives, mandate and tasks against criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and European added value. Also, with a view of defining future policy options, the Commission is asking for input on the current and future challenges and on how to best address them, including possible roles for an EU body such as ENISA. 

The consultation is open until 12 April 2017.

> Public consulation

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