FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Connecting Europe Facility - 2016 call Tlc, 24 projects selected

Cef Telecom24 projects have been selected to receive co-funding by the Connecting Europe Facility, Telecom sector.

Digital Agenda - DESI 2017, Europe needs to close digital gap

> EU - Digital Economy and Society Index 2016 

The evaluation of the second and fourth 2016 CEF Telecom call for proposals (CEF-TC-2016-2 and CEF-TC-2016-4) has concluded and 24 projects in the areas of eDelivery, eIdentification & eSignature, European e-Justice Portal, Public Open Data and Safer Internet have been selected to receive co-funding by the European Union.The funding comes from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme in the telecommunications sector. The successful projects include participation of entities from 20 EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland.

CEF Telecom funding supports projects of common interest that will deploy Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) across the EU. These actions will contribute to enhancing networked cross-border services, to improving the daily lives of citizens, businesses and public administrations and to the development of a Digital Single Market.

The results of the second 2016 CEF Telecom call are as follows:

  • eDelivery: over €1.5 million will be granted to 6 proposals with applicants from 8 EU Member States, Norway and Iceland to allow public administrations or private sector entities to share information and services electronically in a secure manner;
  • eIdentification & eSignature: the 5 selected proposals receiving almost €3 million in funding and with applicants from 7 EU Member States, Norway and Iceland will enable cross-border recognition and validation of eIDs and electronic signatures in line with the eIDAS (electronic Identification and trust services) Regulation;
  • European e-Justice Portal: 7 proposals worth over €3 million with applicants from 10 EU Member States have been selected to improve the access for citizens and businesses to eJustice services throughout the EU thanks to the use of information and communication technologies;
  • Public Open Data: 5 proposals worth over €2.7 million with applicants from 9 EU Member States and Norway have been selected to facilitate access to and re-use of public sector information generating value in the process.

Under the fourth 2016 CEF Telecom call – Safer Internet, one proposal aimed at ensuring the continued running of a Safer Internet Centre in Ireland worth over €770.000 has been selected for funding.



Photo credit: Foter.com