FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

LIFE Programme - call 2017 for NGOs

LIFE ProgrammeThe call for proposals for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) active in the fields of environment and climate action is open.

LIFE Best Awards - 11 winners for the best EU projects

> LIFE 2014-2020 – Climate action, awarded 26 action grants 

The objectives of the LIFE Call are to promote better environmental and/or climate governance. This should be done by broadening stakeholder involvement, including NGOs, in policy consultation and implementation. This is foreseen as a specific objective of the sub-programme for Environment for the priority area Environmental Governance and Information and the priority area Climate Governance and Information of the Climate Action sub-programme in Articles 12(d) and 16(d) of the LIFE Regulation, respectively.

The expected result is to identify and support non-profit organisations able to strengthen the participation of civil society in the dialogue process of environmental and/or climate policy development and implementation. This call for proposals, with a budget of 18 million euros, aims at identifying framework partners to which the EASME may, at a later stage, award specific operating grants. Those specific operating grants shall foresee co-financing of the operating costs of NGOs related to the eligible activities provided for in the framework partners' 2018 and 2019 Work Programmes.

For this call for proposals applicants must submit a bi-annual strategic plan with a global indicative budget and an outline of activities.

Any applicant must:

  1. Be a non-profit making legal person;
  2. Be independent, in particular from government, other public authorities, and from political or commercial interests;
  3. Be primarily active in the field of environment and/or climate action and have an environmental/climate objective which is aimed at: the public good, sustainable development, and the development, implementation and enforcement of European Union environmental and/or climate policy and legislation;
  4. Be established (legally registered) in one of the European Union Member States.
  5. Be operating at Union level with a structure and activities covering at least three European Union Member States.

The call is open until 15 June 2017.

> Horizon 2020 - Environment, draft work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: Foter.com