FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU - photo contest for the end of roaming

EU roamingThe Commission has launched an online summer photo contest to celebrate the end of roaming charges in the EU.

> Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom, second call for 2017 

EU - public consultation on Database Directive

From 15 June onwards Europeans can use their mobile phones (calls, SMS and data) when travelling in the EU with no extra roaming charges. This means people can easily stay in touch with friends, colleagues and family members when travelling without the fear of high phone bills.

If interested, you can join the "Roaming in the EU" Photo Contest. Send us a picture showing how you use your mobile phone or tablet without roaming fees while travelling in the EU. 3 winners will get each two Interrail tickets to a train journey across Europe.

The rules are simple:

  1. Send the picture with a short description via Messenger to Digital Single Market Facebook Page
  2. We upload your picture to the contest photo gallery
  3. Invite your friends to Like your picture. The 3 pictures with the highest number of Likes win.

We reserve the right to refuse your contribution if it contains abusive content, hate speech or advertisement. Pictures send anonymously or by fake profiles will not be accepted. If you can’t use Messenger to send your picture, you can also submit it via email.

1 person can only send maximum 2 pictures.

The contest ends on 15 September 2017. We'll announce the winners shortly afterwards.

> Photo contest

Photo credit: Foter.com