FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Connecting Europe Facility - CEF Transport Blending, 68 projects submitted

CEF Transport68 project proposals submitted for the first deadline of the 2017 CEF Transport Blending call.

> Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom, new call 2016 

> Connecting Europe Facility – Energy, first call 2016 

The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) received 68 project proposals for the 2017 CEF Transport Blending call in different priority areas covering all transport modes, infrastructure, as well as multimodal logistics platforms:

  • Core Network Corridors (24 projects)
  • Other sections of the Core Network (1 project)
  • Rail interoperability  (2 projects)
  • European Rail Traffic Management System - ERTMS (10 projects)
  • Innovation and new technologies (17 projects)
  • Single European Sky - SESAR (2 projects)
  • Motorways of the Sea - MoS (1 projet)
  • Nodes of the Core Network (8 projects)
  • Multimodal logistics platforms (3 projects)

Applicants requested a total of €2.2 billion EU funding, whereas the available call budget is €1 billion. Selected projects are expected to blend CEF support with other funding sources, including the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI).

Admissibility and eligibility checks of the proposals will start on 18 July and evaluations by external experts on 4 September. Evaluation results will be announced in January 2018 at the latest.

14 July deadline was the first call's cut-off date. The second one is scheduled for 30 November 2017. Applicants can start submitting their proposals for the second cut-off date as of 17 July midday.

> Connecting Europe Facility – Energy, forthcoming calls 2016

Photo credit: Foter.com