FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Startups – new call Fundacion Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund

StartupsFundación Repsol's business accelerator, the Entrepreneurs Fund, will be looking for innovative startups in the energy and advanced mobility sector.

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The seventh call for proposals of the Entrepreneurs Fund​, Fundación Repsol's business accelerator, is already under way. The fund offers support to the best startups offering innovative solutions​ in the areas of energy, advanced mobility, the circular economy, and new materials for the energy and chemicals industry​.

Proposals are separate into two categories:

  • Projects:​ more mature startups ​that have not yet reached the commercial phase.
  • Ideas: ​startups working on their technology or business model.

The selected proposals will receive funding​, along with specialised training, counselling from a team of mentors​, and access to possible investors​. Being selected does not imply any transfer of shareholding or intellectual property to Fundación Repsol.

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The acceleration process lasts one year​, and projects can be extended for a second year.​ The Entrepreneurs Fund offers up to 144.000 euros per year for each project's business development​. Ideas​ are provided with 2.000 euros per month over a 12-month period​. The initiative supports the talent of entrepreneurs by helping their projects reach the market as quickly as possible.

Who can participate?

The call is intended for small and medium-sized businesses​, but participation is also open to people who have not yet formed a business​. The call is intended also for natural persons of legal age and enterprises which employs fewer than 50 persons​ and whose annual turnover​ and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 10 million​.

Focusing on the energy sector, Fundación Repsol's accelerator supports startups that work on innovative solutions in different areas:

  • Digitalisation and mobility:​ innovative proposals in the mobility sector that create more value for people;
  • New materials and differentiated products: ​technologies associated with the obtaining or use of materials of greater added value or high performance in the chemical and energy industry, construction, home or transport.
  • Circular economy:​ proposals related to the recycling and reuse of waste, water treatment and reduction of emissions in the energy and chemical industry. Technologies for plastic-to-fuel/plastic conversions and for the production of biofuels;
  • New oil and gas exploration and production technologies:​ digital improvements, drilling and cementing, new materials, improvement of efficiency and safety in oil and gas processes and operations;
  • Efficiency in operations in the energy and chemical industry: ​development of new processes, technologies and services, aimed at reducing the carbon footprint and the consumption of energy resources and materials; or improvement of the safety, reliability and availability of industrial plants.

Entrepreneurs wishing to participate can submit their proposals as of today and until 12 March 2018 at fundacionrepsol.com.