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TEN-T Days 2018 - European Commission to host marketplace for start-ups

TEN-T Days 2018During the TEN-T Days 2018 in April in Ljubljana the European Commission will provide a marketplace for mobility projects where start-ups can network and pitch their projects.

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During the TEN-T Days 2018 in April in Ljubljana (25-27 April 2018), the European Commission gives the opportunity to present on the Marketplace.

The so-called "Idea Acceleration Marketplace" will give fifty start-ups and other project promoters a platform to present their ideas or projects and to meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe.

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TEN-T Days 2018

The 9th edition of the TEN-T Days will take place in Ljubljana in 25-27 April 2018. Ministers, Members of the European Parliament and key stakeholders will discuss how to contribute to smart, sustainable and safe mobility, relying on the trans-European transport network and investments in transport connectivity.

The TEN-T Days will also host an idea accelerator and futuristic lab, to allow young European entrepreneurs and companies to showcase innovative mobility solutions.

There will be a high-level Interinstitutional meeting to discuss further synergies between transport, energy and digital connectivity, and the investment support with highest EU value-added in the post-2020 framework, leading to a Ljubljana declaration by all relevant stakeholders on key principles for investment in smart, sustainable and safe mobility.

Among the high-level events, there will be Ministerial sessions with Western Balkans and Turkey, and with Southern Mediterranean countries.

Marketplace for start-ups

Fifty start-ups and other project promoters have the opportunity to present their ideas or projects and to meet new investors as well as public and private partners from across Europe.

The ideas and projects should present a clear link to the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) such as applications on digital and low-emission mobility, improving (road) safety and security, and on smart cities.

The most ground breaking start-up pitches will be recognised during Tuesday's gala dinner.

Start-ups can apply for pitching at the Marketplace by registering by 28 March 2018.

> TEN-T Days 2018: Marketplace for start-ups