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Intellectual property - event in Rome for innovation and creativity

Intellectual propertyOn June 5th Rome will host the Invention, Disclosure, Evolution, Ability - IDEA Forum, a special event for innovators, practitioners and creative people who want to explore the potential of intellectual property protection in the Information Age.

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What are the incentives and the communication strategy for intellectual property in the Information Age, characterized by the shift from traditional industry to an economy based on information technology? It’s the central question of the Invention, Disclosure, Evolution, Ability - IDEA Forum, which will gather experts, politicians, officials, entrepreneurs and journalists on the 5th of June at the Chamber of Commerce of Rome for a debate about “The value of Intellectual Property in the Information Age”.

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New technologies and digitalization offer various opportunities for development and innovation in different sectors, such as manufacturing and cultural heritage, by contributing to economic growth and improving people’s quality of life.

In the Information Age and in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the protection of intellectual property becomes more than ever a crucial factor for ensuring innovation capacities. It provides the necessary tools to companies, public administrations and citizens for keeping safe new ideas from damages associated to counterfeiting and piracy.

At the IDEA Forum, topics regarding the incentives for boosting intellectual property protection in the Information Age will be discussed, from the Unitary Patent to copyright.

During the morning session, participants will talk about the Italian financial instruments in order to assess and debate their impact on the economic system (Industry 4.0), especially for stimulating innovation and creativity.

In the afternoon, discussions will focus on communication strategies implementation for raising awareness of the intellectual property benefits for business to fight counterfeiting in the new global context.

The IDEA Forum will take place on June 5th, 2018, from 10.30 to 16.30, at the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, Via de' Burrò 147, Sala del Consiglio.

IDEA Forum - Il valore della Proprietà Intellettuale nell’Era dell’Informazione