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EUIPO - training programme for intellectual property practitioners

Euipo trainingThe EUIPO is launching a new training programme for intellectual property practitioners: the Trade Mark and Design Education Programme. Applications are open from 15 May 2018 until 30 June 2018.

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The Trade Mark and Design Education Programme (ETMD EP) is a new training programme for intellectual property practitioners. It is a practical programme, delivered by EUIPO staff, leading IP professionals and academics. The ETMD EP focuses on the interaction between the EUIPO and IP practitioners in trade mark and design registration and prosecution.

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EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme

The EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme has been specially designed to accommodate the training needs of intellectual property practitioners dealing with the registration and prosecution of European Union trade marks and Community designs.

A comprehensive curriculum of approximately 150 hours of tuition will guide participants through all aspects of European Union trade mark and Community design law and how the EUIPO applies the law in practice. It also covers proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union and other selected IP issues.

About two thirds of the programme will be presented in the form of e-learning materials or via live-streamed presentations. The practical part of the programme and the final exam will be delivered at the EUIPO and will require participants to travel to Alicante on three occasions, for three days each time.

The Education Programme has been designed to be a side activity to a normal full-time working commitment. Approximately 5 hours of weekly dedication is required in order to undertake the scheduled activities, most of which can be undertaken at the student’s convenience.

The course will be held in English only and will run from September 2018 to June 2019, with a total of approximately 150 hours of tuition, combining e-learning, webinars and two 3-day face-to-face sessions at the EUIPO in Alicante, Spain.

It will conclude with an examination, which will also take place at the EUIPO, and successful candidates will be awarded an EUIPO certificate.


The admission requirements are as follows:

  • having the status of one of the following:
  • a legal practitioner qualified in a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) and having their place of business within the EEA, to the extent that they are entitled, within the EEA, to act as a representative in trade mark matters;
  • a professional representative admitted and entered on the lists maintained by the EUIPO pursuant to Article 120(1)(b) EUTMR and Article 78(1)(b) CDR.
  • EUIPO User Account;
  • tuition fees of EUR 1 500;
  • ability to work in English (C1 level of English is highly recommended).

Registration is limited to 100 persons, on a first come, first served basis, and will be open from 15 May 2018 until 30 June 2018.

> Trade Mark and Design Education Programme