FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

COSME - call for fashion and lifestyle industries

Cosme fashionThe WORTH Partnership Project, supported by COSME, launched a call for proposals for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and start-ups working in the fashion or lifestyle industry. Applications are open until 24 October 2018.

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The WORTH Partnership Project, funded by the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME), fosters transnational cross-sector collaborations to develop innovative design-driven products.

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The call for proposals is open to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups in industries such as:

  • furniture
  • textile
  • footwear
  • accessories
  • jewellery
  • leather

Selected projects will receive:

  • 10.000 EUR of seed funding per project (12,000 EUR for projects requiring complex technology and/or materials)
  • individual coaching on branding, product development, market positioning, and Intellectual Property Rights
  • participation in two leading international industry fairs and exhibitions
  • opportunities for networking and cross-sector collaborations

Partnership projects aim to develop innovative design-driven products. They are usually composed of two to three partners with different profiles:

  • designers – self-employed professionals, design labs, and start-ups
  • makers – crafters and SME manufacturers
  • technology firms – innovators, tech labs, tech providers and start-ups

The deadline for applications is 24 October 2018.

> WORTH Partnership Project