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SDGs - in June the Sustainable Energy for All Charrettes

SeforAllIn 2019 Sustainable Energy for All will convene a series of intensive planning and mapping meetings focused on how to increase the speed and scale of progress along the critical path to SDG7, which calls for universal access to sustainable energy by 2030.

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Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) is an International Organization working with leaders in government, the private sector and civil society to drive further, faster action toward achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7, “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”, and the Paris Climate Agreement, which calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to limit climate warming to below 2 degrees Celsius.

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched SEforALL in September 2011 as a global initiative that would mobilize action by these diverse actors in support of SDG7’s three core objectives:

  • ensuring universal access to modern energy services;
  • doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix;
  • doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

With 2020 on the horizon and with the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit scheduled for September 2019, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) will convene a series of intensive planning and mapping meetings (charrettes) focused on ensuring that we can increase the speed and scale of progress along the critical path to SDG7. 

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Following the highly successful 2018 Forum in Lisbon, which focused on action to Leave No One Behind and attracted diverse participation from over 900 global delegates, 2019 edition (Amsterdam, June 18-20 2019) will bring together the partners across communities, civil society, finance, the private sector and government who are leading change.

Each Charrette will involve small groups of leaders in their field, bringing their real-world perspective to address specific challenges of the 21st Century energy transition. The aim of these meetings is to clearly identify what works and act to scale the solutions. The Charrettes will be deliberately different in feel from a Forum but they will still act as a focus for the SEforALL movement.

  • Evidence: How good is the evidence we use to plot the critical path towards SDG7? What evidence are we missing? How do we better communicate the evidence to support fast action?
  • Finance: What are the current flows of finance to support the speeding of energy transitions? What can be done to secure flows? Can we identify financial innovation that can scale? How can new capital be introduced to solutions for SDG7?
  • Action: Coordinating action within the SEforALL movement among hubs, accelerators and delivery partners

The results of these important charrettes will also inform the movements input to the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit and the next Sustainable Energy for All Forum which will be held in Africa in 2020.

2019 Sustainable Energy For All Charrettes