FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

EU - Regions, survey on obstacles to investment

European UnionThe Committee of the Regions and the OECD launched a survey on financial, managerial and regulatory obstacles to investment.

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The Committee of the Regions and the OECD launched a survey on financial, managerial and regulatory obstacles to investment experienced by local and regional authorities from all EU Member States.

Local and regional authorities are responsible for more than half of all public investment in the EU. Moreover, they can act as partners of private investors by shaping the business environment, through public procurement and by acting as investment partners.

With this survey of local and regional authorities from all EU Member States, the European Committee of the Regions will help identifying obstacles to investment at local and regional level.

The questionnaire should be answered by representatives of local and regional authorities (civil servants, employees, politicians or other) who are involved in or concerned by the planning, financing, monitoring and/or implementation of investments (public or private).

The results of the survey will be presented at the CoR ECON Commission meeting on 19 September 2017 and used for the CoR Resolution on the 2017 European Semester (adoption scheduled for 10-11 October 2017). They will also feed into the ongoing review of the OECD Recommendations on Effective Public Investment across Levels of Government (expected end 2017 – early 2018).

The survey is part of a broader CoR monitoring activity including a study on the use of the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) by local and regional authorities, a collection of contributions from CoR Members from regions hosting EFSI projects, and a conference 'Making the Investment Plan work for cities and regions' (organised by CoR on 29 June in Brussels).

The activities will be also summarized in the 8th annual CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020 and the European Semester that will be presented at the next European Week of Regions and Cities on 11 October.

The survey is open until 15 September 2017.

> Survey

Photo credit: vapourtrails via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA