Funding News

EU – cooperation, Atlantic Area programme 2014-2020 adopted

The EU Commission adopted the 2014-2020 Atlantic Area Transnational Cooperation Programme, worth 185.3 million of euros


EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation, report 2014

While planned commitments for 2014 amounted to 119,5 million of euros, around 52 million of euros were actually used (44%)



Horizon 2020 - SME Instrument, financing in 2016-2017

In 2016-2017 there will be 44,2% more financing for SMEs under the SME-Instrument


World Bank - Somalia, consulting services for public financial management

The objective is to strengthen institutional capacity for the management of public funds in central finance agencies and targeted sectors.

Consulting - Photo credit: pennstatenews / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)

EBRD - Russia, tenders for goods and works in the water sector

The notices are part of a development project for the Russian water system financed by the EBRD

Public water supply - © Copyright Walter Baxter

ADB - Afghanistan, supply of energy distribution system

An invitation for bids is open for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of energy distribution system in Afghanistan

Transmission tower - author Biho

AfDB - Nigeria, consultancy services for bio-ethanol production

The assignment regards the feasibility of a project aimed at scaling up the bio-ethanol gel cooking fuel production

Stove - foto Pixabay

Horizon 2020 - Euratom, Work programme 2016-2017


World Bank - technical assistance for agriculture commercialization and trade

Agrifood - Author Elina Mark

Horizon 2020 - societal challenge 2, Work programme 2016-2017


Development Impact Bonds - private investors, NGOs, governments and donors to deliver results

India - Photo credit: CIMMYT / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA