FASI: Funding Aid Strategies Investments

Horizon 2020 – PDA, investments in energy efficiency

Horizon 2020 Project Development Assistance (PDA) supports investments in energy efficiency


> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

> Horizon 2020 – Science and society, consultation on Work programme

 Project Development Assistance

Project Development Assistance (PDA) supports all project development activities such as feasibility studies, financial engineering, business plans, technical specifications or procurement procedures. This instrument is vital to build a massive pipeline of bankable projects.

In every project funded, a significant investment portfolio is built. For every million euro of support, investments of at least 15 million of euros are to be triggered. This in turn boosts the further development of the sustainable energy market and accelerates the achievement of related EU targets.

To date, PDA has funded 28 projects leading to investments of more than 680 million of euros. For instance, three successful projects are:

  • Low-energy retrofit of condominiums in the Ile de France Region with MLEI POSITIF, France.
  • Retrofit of a significant share of Zagreb's public building stock with MLEI ZagEE, Croatia.
  • Joint procurement of energy performance contracts for municipal street lighting in the Teramo province with MLEI PARIDE, Italy.

Call 2016

A new Call is open until 15 September 2016. Proposals can be submitted by at least 1 public or private entity and cover a wide range of sectors, such as:

  • Existing public and private buildings;
  • Street lighting;
  • Energy efficient retrofitting of existing district heating/cooling schemes;
  • Energy efficiency in urban transport; and
  • Energy efficiency in industry and services.

> Horizon 2020 - science and society, draft work programme 2016-2017

Photo credit: tswind via Foter.com / CC BY